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  • Business Advisory

    Use our 30+ years of experience for coaching sessions to review business practices and the financial health of your company.

  • Focus

    Freedom to do what you do best. Spend time in the areas of your business that you enjoy and make you money.

  • financial services

    Finally someone who understands your business and your financial goals and can help with both. Coordinated, they will yield greater results.

  • Taxes

    Don’t fall victim to the IRS. Take a proactive approach, planned and managed throughout the year to maximize the money in your pocket.

  • Technology

    We’re closer than down the street, we’re at your fingertips. Distance is not an issue when we’re your partner.

  • Active Bookkeeping

    Accurate, timely financial information is critical to a business. Bookkeepers enter the information but lack the ability to make it useful.

Business Advisory



Use our 30+ years of experience for monthly or quarterly coaching sessions to review business practices and the financial health of your company. So many great business people know their industry very well and are very talented in that area. However very few also have diverse skills and knowledge within the finance and accounting field. Which as we all know is the backbone of a business. Running a business without an in-depth knowledge of your financial situation is like stressing over the bug on your windshield while ignoring the smoke coming out of your engine. We work with the owner in a role similar to that of a CFO because most businesses cannot afford and do not need an in-house, full-time CFO.
Financial Coaching



Don’t fall victim to the IRS. Take a proactive approach, planned and managed throughout the year to maximize the money in your pocket. Taxes are a necessary evil that must be addressed. However, contrary to popular belief, in business there are many things that can be done to manage tax. The most critical component to that management is that it’s done throughout the year, before year end, with long term goals in mind. Our tax planning sessions are completed in October and November giving you, if need, time to make critical business strategy moves. The vast majority of people believe that taxes are managed when their tax return is prepared. This is not true. The best time to manage tax is during the year and before year end.
Financial Coaching



Freedom to do what you do best. Spend time in the areas of your business that you enjoy and make you money. Entrepreneurs envision doing what they love all day long, but instead end up trying to fix QuickBooks and stressing over their billings. Business owners are where they are because they leverage a skill or a passion they have and make it attractive to others. Because of who they are, they are natural problem solvers trying to tackle every task that needs tackling. Focus on your strengths and find someone whose strengths are your weaknesses. You will never be happier or more profitable.
Financial Coaching



We’re closer than down the street, we’re at your finger tips. Distance is not an issue when we’re your partner. Working with businesses all over the country is a great opportunity. Thanks to technology we are in contact with you significantly more than you were with the guy around the corner that you used before. We don’t just see your face at tax time but every month or quarter either on web conference or in person if possible.
Financial Coaching



Finally someone who understands your business and your investment goals and can help with both. Coordinated, they will yield greater results. Your business finances, personal finances and investments are not mutually exclusive; they are intertwined one with another. A factor in one may have great impact on your decisions in another. Coordinating that to maximize returns between multiple organizations or people is challenging if not impossible. Simple solutions are often the best. Having one place to handle all of it is the answer. Click here to learn more.
Financial Coaching



Accurate, timely financial information is critical to a business. Bookkeepers enter the information but lack the ability to make it useful. We become your entire backroom, eliminating the need, headache and expense of hiring. Accounting systems designed and properly implemented have the power to transform an owners decision making ability.